Research questions
DiCED will investigate whether the capacity of campaigns to influence voters and decide outcomes is changing, and particularly whether campaigns are now taking on a more influential role as they become increasingly data-driven. We also study the proposed effects of these campaigns: do they mobilise and inform citizens, or do they rather demobilize, divide and disinform? We specifically ask four research questions:
- What is data-driven campaigning (DDC) and can it be seen as forming a new and distinct era of electioneering in conceptual and historical terms?
- Whilst we consider the emergence of DDC both in party and national or country level terms, we also ask: Where is DDC emerging and what are the organisational and systemic-level factors that appear to be most closely associated with its development?
- What are the key effects (positive and negative) of the use of these DDC at the individual (micro), party (meso) and systemic (macro) levels?
- What are the policy and regulatory implications of DDC? What does it require from citizens in terms of Digital Information Literacy skills and how might those be delivered?