Then... Thinking about yourself as the young woman in this photo, what did you think life held in store for you? Hopefully a positive life experience. When I was young I had a feeling of being invincible! So much musical creativity and young people's optimism, that...

Then... Thinking about yourself as the young woman in this photo, what did you think life held in store for you? Motherhood and homemaker. ...and now What advice would you give your younger self now about being young and growing older? Enjoy your teenage years. Take...

Then... Thinking about yourself as the young woman in this photo, what did you think life held in store for you? I was born in 1940 and my early life, for me, was set out by my parents, one did as one was told and I guess one didn’t have many choices in life. One...

Then... Thinking about yourself as the young woman in this photo, what did you think life held in store for you? College (because I'd done A-levels), teaching (because I didn't go to university), probably marriage (as that was what was expected). ...and now What...

Then... Thinking about yourself as the young woman in your teenage photo, what did you think life held in store for you? I have no idea what I want to do, maybe acting? But definitely not a teacher [note: as it turns out Stephanie did go into teaching and she is now a...
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