Gaining Valuable Experience as a Masters Placement Student at MCHP
by y48544af | 25 Jun 2024 | Life at MCHP | 0 comments
After completing my undergraduate degree in psychology, I was keen to further explore the
field of health psychology. This led to me starting a Masters in Health Psychology at the
University of Manchester last September. As part of the Masters, we were given the
opportunity to engage with a health psychology placement. Keen to gain experience in the
field, I applied, and I was fortunate to complete a placement here at the Manchester Centre
for Health Psychology!
My placement involved creating and supporting with the development of resources to help
with the dissemination of research at MCHP. I was excited to start this new role, however,
undeniably apprehensive as I had little past experience with disseminating psychological
research. However, with the support and welcoming nature of staff here at MCHP, the
learning process was much less daunting than I had first anticipated. In fact, it was a truly
enjoyable and incredibly valuable experience. I developed skills in creating resources, such
as infographics and blogs, and learned about a variety of research happening at MCHP.
Over the past six months, this experience has positively shifted my perspective to consider a
future role and career in psychological research. If I am honest, a research role was
something I had not really considered in my undergraduate degree. However, after being
enlightened to the interesting and important research happening here at MCHP, I am now
very much inspired to take up a role in research. Further to this, I have learned how to
communicate research to wider audiences in effective ways and realised the importance that
dissemination plays in the research process.
As I come to the end of my placement, I can happily say I will take away valuable
transferable skills in disseminating research, as well as a new perspective around a future
role in research. My experience at MCHP has enhanced my excitement and love for health
psychology, and further inspired me to look forward to a future career in the field.
About the Author
About the Author:
Lauren Moore is a MSc Health Psychology student at the University of Manchester and a
BSc Psychology graduate. She is currently completing a placement at the Manchester
Centre for Health Psychology
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