Accompanied by an exhibition: “Old and Rare Editions of Ancient Greek Epistolographers”.
The Aldine edition of Greek epistolographers, published in 1499 in Venice, is the first printed edition of most of the 36 letter collections that it contains. Its text was based on earlier medieval epistolaria, and itself formed the basis for most of the subsequent printed editions of the collections it contained. Despite its principal position and importance, the current value of this edition for the study of Greek epistolography is not widely understood. The aims of the Rylands event are to examine collections of ancient Greek epistolographers included in the Aldine and to explore i) the roots of the Aldine edition, ii) its relationship to the medieval Byzantine manuscript epistolary collections, iii) its legacy and relationship to modern critical editions of the Greek epistolographers, and iv) its value for the needs of a modern editor and student of Greek epistolography.
Attendance is free and all are welcome.
Prior registration required: see below.
10.00-10.45 Registration and Coffee
10.45-11.00 Opening Remarks: Professor Roy Gibson (Durham University)
11.00-12.30 Session 1: Aldine edition volume 1 (Chair: Professor Andrew Morrison, University of Manchester)
11.00-11.30 Professor Anna Tiziana Drago (University of Bari): “Alciphron and Theophylact Simocatta”
11.30-12.00 Professor Raphael Gallé Cejudo (University of Cadiz): “Philostratus”
12.00-12.30 Dr Owen Hodkinson (University of Leeds): “Aelian”
12.30-1.30 Lunch/Coffee
1.30-2.00 Collections Encounter: “Old and Rare Editions of Ancient Greek Epistolographers”
2.00-3.30 Session 2: Aldine edition volume 2 (Chair: Dr Vinko Hinz, Goettingen University)
2.00-2.30 Dr Antonia Sarri (University of Manchester): “Basil the Great”
2.30-3.00 Professor Francesca Mestre (University of Barcelona): “Apollonius of Tyana”
3.00-3.30 Dr Émeline Marquis (C.N.R.S., Paris): “Phalaris”
3.30-4.00 Round Table Discussion and Closing Remarks (Chair: Professor Andrew Morrison)
Thanks to generous support from the John Rylands Research Institute and the University of Manchester a buffet lunch and refreshments will be offered to all attendants free of charge. To aid the estimate of the seating and catering numbers, if you are planning to attend please let us know by the 1st of June 2019, by email to