Microscopic Records: The New Interdisciplinarity of Early Modern Studies, c. 1400–1800 is funded by the British Academy (grant number BARSEA19\190084) and led by Dr Stefan Hanß.
This British Academy event will take place at The University of Manchester on 29 September – 1 October 2020. The public symposium will be held on 1 October 2020.
Dr Stefan Hanß is Senior Lecturer in Early Modern History at The University of Manchester. As an early modern historian, Hanß is working on material culture and cultural encounters in the early modern period. His current research examines, among others, the history of early modern hair and feather-working. He explores new methodological trajectories and heuristic tools in material culture studies such as the use of digital microscopes and scientific analysis, remaking experiments, as well as historians’ collaboration with artisans and artists. His research was published, for instance, in History Workshop Journal, Past & Present, and The Historical Journal.