Microscopic Records:
The New Interdisciplinarity of Early Modern Studies, c. 1400–1800

29 Sept – 1 Oct 2020


Tuesday, 29 Sept 2020

9.00                Welcome

9.15                What are Microscopic Records?

                        Stefan Hanß (The University of Manchester)

10.00              Masterclass I: Multispectral Imaging

                        Hannah Lilley (University of Birmingham)

                        Richard Guest (University of Kent)

                        Tony Richards (The John Rylands Library, The University of Manchester)

11.00              Coffee break

11.30              Masterclass II: The Scientific Analysis of Illuminated Manuscripts

                       and Early Modern Miniatures

                        Paola Ricciardi (The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge)

12.15              Masterclass III: Scanning Electron Microscopy of Textile Fibres

                        Margarita Gleba (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich/

                        University College London)

13.00              Lunch break

14.00              Fibres from Under the Sea:

                        Microscopic Records of Sailcloth from British Early Modern Shipwrecks

                        Margarita Gleba (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich/

                        University College London)

14.30              Transforming the Great Bible

                        Cross-Disciplinary Analysis of a Presentation Copy

                        Eyal Poleg (Queen Mary University London)

                        Paola Ricciardi (The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge)

15.00              The Hand and the Eye:

                        The Microscopic Study of Early Modern European Rapier Blades

                        Marc Gener-Moret (The University of Cambridge)

15.30              Tea break

16.30              The Interspecies Frontier and Microscopic Records

                        Sujit Sivasundaram (The University of Cambridge)

17.00              Keynote I: Science and the Materiality of Microscopic Records

                        Timothy J. LeCain (Montana State University)


Wednesday, 30 Sept 2020

11.00              From Renaissance Shadows to Baroque Refractions

                        Raz Chen-Morris (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

11.30              Lines of Sight: Visual Language in the Microscopic Images of

                        Nehemiah Grew and Marcello Malpighi

                        Pamela Mackenzie (University of British Columbia, Bibliotheca Hertziana/

                        Max Planck Institute for Art History Rome)

12.00              Between Superficial and In-Depth Observation:

                        Early Modern Microscopic Drawings of Naturalia

                        Florike Egmond (University of Leiden/ Rome)

12.30              Lunch break

13.30              Doublets in Three-Dimensions:

                        The Structure and Geometry of Renaissance Clothing

                        Sophie Pitman (Aalto University)

14.00              Masterclass IV: 3D Animation and Reconstruction of Early Modern Textiles

                        Sophie Pitman (Aalto University)

                        Maarit Kalmakurki (Aalto University)

15.00              Masterclass V: Photogrammetry

                        Luca Scholz (The University of Manchester)

15.45              Tea break

16.00              Masterclass VI: Remaking

                        Pamela H. Smith (Columbia University)

                        Tianna H. Uchacz (Texas A&M University)

                        Tillmann Taape (Columbia University/ The Huntington)

17.00              Keynote II: Making and Knowing in Sixteenth-Century Europe

                        Pamela H. Smith (Columbia University)


Thursday, 1 Oct 2020

9.00                Masterclass VII: Archaeometallurgy, Alchemy and the History of Science

                        Umberto Veronesi (University College London)

                        Michael Charlton (University College London)

9.45                Masterclass VIII: Proteomics

                        Sam Presslee (University of York)

10.30              Coffee break

11.00              Masterclass IX: Organic Residue Analysis

                        Oliver Craig (University of York)

                        Jessica Hendy (University of York)

11.45              Masterclass X: Archaeobotany

                        Cynthia Larbey (The University of Cambridge)

12.15              Lunch break

13.30              Material Creativity in the Dutch Colonial World:

                        Imaging and Imagining Early Modern Feather Fans

                        Stefan Hanß (The University of Manchester)

14.00              Microscopic Makers, Body and Labour in Early Modern Europe

                        Ulinka Rublack (The University of Cambridge)

14.30              Hot Possets and the Small-Scale Materialities of Healthcare

                        in Early Modern English Kitchens

                        Sasha Handley (The University of Manchester)

15.00              Tea break

15.15              Final Discussion and Reflections on the Edited Volume