Project Information Session | 13th February
The PGR Well Bee-ing Project information session will take place on Wednesday 13th February. This session is an opportunity for postgraduate research students to learn more about the project and about how they can get involved. It will include information about parts of the project that were not discussed at the launch event. Come along to find out how the project has progressed since the launch in November, and the exciting ways that you can get involved in upcoming activities.
For enquiries please contact: pgrwellbeingproject@manchester.ac.uk
Book your place now: https://manchesterstudentsunion.com/events
Project group leads will introduce different aspects of the project to PGRs, giving them the opportunity to ask questions and sign up for various activities should they wish to get involved.
The areas of the project that are currently looking for PGR involvement are:
- PGR wellbeing survey – survey ‘champions’ to help promote the survey amongst their peers
There will be further activities for PGRs in the future, these will be shared with those signed up to the mailing list. If you are a current PGR at the University of Manchester and would like to be added to the mailing list for the PGR Well Bee-ing Project, please let us know by emailing us at pgrwellbeing@manchester.ac.uk.