Reflections on the six ways to wellbeing workshop
The workshop was an opportunity to introduce the Manchester six ways Manchester six ways to wellbeing and understand how useful the framework is for PGRs. The session was attended by PGRs from across the University and facilitated by Student Support staff, as well as staff leadig the PGR Well Bee-ing Project.
At the workshop PGRs took part in activity stations, each demonstrating actionable examples for bringing the six ways to wellbeing into everyday life. Activities included; sleep and relaxation tips shared over chamomile tea, getting back in contact with an old friend through sending a message and taking part in desk exercises.
After visiting all stations PGRs were invited to share potential barriers, which could prevent them from engaging with the six ways. Answers were collected anonymously via Menti Meter, an online polling tool. A discussion was had around the barriers and PGRs were encouraged to make recommendations for possible solutions.

Potential barriers identified by PGRs to incorporating the 6 ways to wellbeing into everyday PGR life
To conclude the workshop PGRs shared their thoughts and impressions of the six ways. Participants gave examples of actions they could take to bring the six ways into their own lives. Some examples shared are as follows;
‘Get an office plant (free ones from Plant and Hope)’
‘Get a university sponsored publication subscription, e.g. the economist/ private eye’
‘Listen to non-research related pod cast on the way to work’
‘Take a break from the news’
‘Saying thank you to the reception staff/ cleaners/ security etc.’
‘Bringing in cakes and snacks for colleagues’
We would like to thank all participants of this workshop for their contributions and insights. We will be sharing all findings with the PGR Well Bee-ing Project Advisory Board, which will be invaluable in steering the project.