Teaching opportunities
We’re always keen to hear from anyone who is interested in being part of our teaching faculty.
There are many roles available, both in the classroom and in the clinical setting, and across all years of the Programme. There are opportunities for you if you have a contract with The University of Manchester, or if you are part of our wider community of educators with our partner NHS organisations.
Please click on roles to find out more, or contact us at mbchb.prime@manchester.ac.uk including your current job title, where you work, and any particular role/s you are interested in, so that we can direct your query to the right person. If you have a substantive contract with The University, there is more information about Current Opportunities on StaffNet.
We ask that anyone who wants to get involved is working within the University of Manchester or one of our NHS or social care organisations in our catchment area, and that you are in good standing with your regulatory/professional body.
Please note: We process and store emails using a secure server. By emailing us with personal information, you consent that we can share with relevant individuals within The University of Manchester and/or your local Hospital Trust, and that they may share the data with relevant personnel within their organisation. The data will only be shared with people who need it and will be destroyed when no longer needed.
Clinical placement supervisors
The role of Clinical Placement Supervisor (CPS) is crucially important for the students on clinical placements in MB ChB Years 3, 4 and 5.
This role is highly valued and rewarding. It involves ensuring that students are welcomed into your clinical environment (both hospital and GP practices) and made to feel part of your team, whilst ensuring that they meet their learning goals during their placement.
The role is specific for each year to reflect the different placements which the students experience as they progress through the programme. Training is available, and we would welcome clinicians who are interested to get in touch with us at mbchb.prime@manchester.ac.uk. Please include your current job title and where you work, and if you have a preference in terms of Year of student placement.
There is also additional information if you are based in the community about these placements, available on the Community Based Medical Education (CBME) website.
Student Selected Clinical Placement Supervisors
Student selected clinical placements (SSCPs) are an opportunity for students to immerse themselves into a field of their interest, with a view to informing future career choice.
Students should aim to acquire in-depth knowledge about that speciality, including non-clinical aspects. They will be expected to produce a 300 word (Year 3) or 500 word (Year 5) reflective report by the end of the placement.
For both year groups, students will select their particular placement from a list of offers from community and hospital based supervisors. Please note: this means we cannot guarantee you will be allocated a student.
If you are interested, please contact us at mbchb.prime@manchester.ac.uk, including your current role, what you are interested in and where you work, and we will forward your query to the correct person for you.
Academic Advisors
Academic Advisors have a valuable role in supporting students with their personal and professional development, through Years 1-5 of the Programme and making use of a bespoke online student portfolio.
You will provide individual general academic and well-being support to a group of students including supporting their reflective practice, providing mentoring in their personal and professional development, signposting to further support where appropriate and reviewing student electronic portfolios, in order to build life-long skills.
Academic Advisors for students in Years 1-2
This role is available to you if you have an academic appointment with relevant teaching experience, or you are a research fellow, lecturer or above with a substantive contract (i.e you are employed and have a contract directly) with The University of Manchester of at least 2 years duration. Advisors in Years 1-2 meet with their students twice per semester and have the same group of students for 2 years running.
Academic Advisors for students in Years 3-5
This role is available to:
a) Clinical academics in the School of Medical Sciences or Biological Sciences; with a permanent contract at the level of Lecturer or above,
b) NHS clinicians at consultant level, with a permanent contract,
c) GPs at salaried or partner level (substantive post).
If you interested please email us at ppd@manchester.ac.uk, including your CV, and we can advise you on the next steps or arrange an informal discussion before signing up to any workshops.
Students are required to meet their Advisors twice per semester; meetings usually expected to last 30 – 60 minutes, however Advisors are encouraged to enhance their support for their students by meeting them more frequently, individually or in groups. Online/remote media can be used for the more informal meetings.
Full training and support for you in these roles is provided by Academic Mentors and PPD Leads.
If you are already in the role of Academic Advisor for students in Year 3-5, please see our PRiME Core workshops for essential updates/workshops to help you in your role.
Please note, training for Advisors for Year 1-2 students is currently run centrally, not through PRiME, so please email ppd@manchester.ac.uk for more information.
CCA (previously OSCE) Examiners
During academic year 2021, the OSCE (objective structured clinical examination) will be replaced with the CCA (Clinical Competency Assessment).
These assessments take place at the Stopford Building for Year 1 and 2, and if you have a substantive contract with the University this activity can be recognised within your teaching allocation.
CCAs take place at each of the four clinical education campus sites, for students in Years 3-5:
- Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford Road
- Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Wythenshawe
- Salford Royal Foundation Trust
- Lancashire Teaching Hospital Trust – Preston
If you are interested in examining for Year 3-5 exams at one of these locations, you must be based within our NHS partner organisations / affiliated General Practices and complete one of our Examiner training workshops available free of charge for CTs, STs, consultants and GPs. We ask that you are also involved with teaching our students, for example, as a Clinical Placement Supervisor, or intend to in the near future, before signing up to a training workshop.
If you are a clinician (FY2 equivalent or above) and are interested in examining for Year 1 and 2 OSCEs, please contact us at medical.exams@manchester.ac.uk
Year 1 and 2 Personal Excellence Path (PEP) Supervisors
This role is suitable for individuals who already have a Clinical Academic or Academic appointment at the University of Manchester (and a contract with the University of Manchester) with relevant teaching experience, at research fellow, lecturer or above. A research associate with relevant teaching experience might be considered for this role dependent on their teaching experience, and we encourage anyone in this situation to get in touch to discuss this.
Year 1 PEP Supervisor
There is specific online training which must be completed before supervising your first student, who you will guide to produce a group poster and write short individual reports.
Year 2 PEP Supervisor
There is specific online training which must be completed before supervising your first student, who will produce a literature review with your guidance.
Further information for both these roles is available via the Teaching Opportunities page on Staffnet.
Alternatively, contact us at: mbchb.prime@manchester.ac.uk
Applied Personal Excellence Pathway (APEP) Supervisors
APEP is a 10 week student-selected project in the MB ChB during Year 3 and runs between April and June. You can be a supervisor based either within The University or if you are a senior colleagues within an NHS partner organisation.
Students have a choice of undertaking a research or non-research project (e.g. clinical audit, systematic review).
As a supervisor you would see your student regularly for one to two hours per week, and then mark the final report. The first stage would be to submit a suitable project title. Students then contact you to discuss it, with the student selection of your project required in order that your project goes ahead.
This first stage happens in September/October each academic year, with projects being confirmed with supervisors and students November/December. The APEP project itself starts in the following spring, and as a supervisor you would ensure that any required ethical approval process is completed before this.
If you are interested in this role, please contact the APEP team: mbchb.apep@manchester.ac.uk
Quality and Evidence Personal Excellence Pathway (QEPEP) Supervisors
QEPEPs are flexible, student selected modules. They allow the student in Year 4 and 5 of the MBChB to follow a single subject or multiple themes, which reflect and complement their career development and interests. Supervisors are usually senior colleagues in our NHS partner organisations.
Students in both Years 4 and 5 will select their particular placement from a list of offers from community- and hospital-based tutors; therefore we cannot guarantee that your offer will be selected.
There is training available for supervisors on OneMedLearn. Log in and got to Staff > PEP > Year 4 and 5.
Please contact us at mbchb.prime@manchester.ac.uk if you are a supervisor and have not seen this training, or if you are interested in offering one of these placements, including your current job title and place of work so we can direct you to the right place.
Communication Skills Tutors
Communication skills teaching takes place in the Stopford Building for students in Years 1 and 2, and for Years 3-5 at one of the clinical education campus sites:
- Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust – Oxford Road
- Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust – Wythenshawe
- Salford Royal Foundation Trust
- Lancashire Teaching Hospital Trust – Preston
All of the communication teaching and learning is in small groups based within the classroom setting. We often use simulated patients in order that learners are able to practise skills in a safe space.
There are different sessions held on most days of the week across the years, and we offer training before you facilitate a session. Senior clinicians and healthcare professionals are invited to facilitate sessions (usually agreed in your job plan), and Foundation Doctors and other Trainees are welcome to join sessions and contribute under supervision of the session facilitator, to gain valuable teaching experience with agreement of your Educational Supervisor.
Please contact us for more details about being a tutor or a simulated patient, and please include in your email the particular teaching role you are interested in, and your preferred teaching location: mbchb.prime@manchester.ac.uk.
Please check available tutor training events through the workshops page.
Ethics and Law Tutor
Ethics and Law is important for our next generation of doctors, and there are specific teaching sessions which take place with this focus, in addition to specific training.
If you are a Senior Clinician, please contact us to find out more at mbchb.prime@manchester.ac.uk, including your job title and place of work and look to see availability of the PRiME Core workshop: Teaching Ethics and Law on our PRiME Core page.
This role is usually agreed within a Consultant job plan and teaching takes place at one of our Clinical Education Campuses (MFT Wythenshawe, MFT Oxford Road, Preston or Salford).
Themed Case Discussion (TCD) Facilitators
Themed case discussion (TCD) sessions are run by experienced clinicians, for MB ChB Year 3 students on a Friday at one of the clinical education campus sites:
- Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford Road Campus
- Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Wythenshawe
- Salford Royal Foundation Trust
- Lancashire Teaching Hospital Trust – Preston
There are also TCD sessions which run within the Year 4 specialty blocks and led by clinicians of those blocks, on different days of the week, and at different clinical locations.
As a tutor for these sessions, you would usually work as a senior clinician within the clinical education campus. You would need to be familiar with the content of the session which is prepared for you and available in advance, and also be familiar the material which the students will have worked through before they come to the session, in order that you might promote their higher order thinking.
If you are interested in finding out more, please contact us at mbchb.prime@manchester.ac.uk, including details of the role you are interested in and your preferred location, and we will put you in touch with the right person.
If you have already taken on the role of TCD, please ensure that you have attended our PRiME Core workshop Teaching Themed Case Discussion (TCD).
Clinical Debrief Facilitators
Clinical debrief sessions in Year 3 are small groups sessions of 5-9 medical students facilitated by experienced GP tutors.
The same GP tutor will have responsibility for a group for 12 consecutive weeks in each semester. They are friendly, non-threatening teaching experiences and promote sharing of experiences. The sessions allow students to practice weighing-up clinical decisions they may need to make in complex real life scenarios; to imagine standing in the shoes of their practicing seniors.
We are sometimes looking for new tutors for this role.
If you are interested in becoming a clinical debrief facilitator and would like more information please contact: clinicaldebrief@manchester.ac.uk
Admissions Interviewers
This is a highly rewarding role, available to all those with a substantive contract with The University of Manchester, and also to NHS colleagues (FY 1 and above, plus other healthcare professionals with experience of teaching students on the Manchester MBChB) who would like to volunteer.
Medical admissions interviews for the MB ChB Programme take the form of a multiple mini interview (MMI). Training is provided by the Admissions team. Interview dates will take place over a 2-3 week block, typically in Dec/Jan/Feb. You will be asked for your availability on these days.
If you are interested in volunteering, please email us with your current role, and where you work using the email address mbchb.prime@manchester.ac.uk and we will put you in touch with the right person regarding the application process.