Online resources on religious minorities in Japan
Free online resources on religious minorities in Japan for teaching and learning are now available online: article is downloadable on PDF by clicking on the images on the...
Religion and Minority – Tokyo Fieldwork Report
Between 19 and 22 August 2019, researchers involved in the “Religion and Minority” project met at Toyo University in Tokyo for the Japan leg of the collaborative project. The visit included two workshops, a public event and a series of collaborative fieldwork visits...
International Symposium: Religion and Minority in East Asian and European Contexts: Intersectional Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality
公開シンポジウム「東アジアとヨーロッパにおける宗教とマイノリティ:ジェンダー、セクシュアリティをめぐる交差性の視座から (Religion and Minority in East Asian and European Contexts: Intersectional Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality) 」 主催:The UKRI ESRC-AHRC UK-Japan SSH Connections Grant Scheme, ‘Religion and Minority: lived...
Kickoff meeting and pilot visits
Between 11th and 14th March 2019, the team of the ‘Religion and Minority’ project met for the first explorative workshop at the University of Manchester. As part of the workshop, we conducted collaborative fieldwork among four different religious...
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