Research IT Updates

by | Nov 13, 2020 | News, Workshops/training | 0 comments

Digital Humanities Training Prioritisation

Over the last year our colleagues at N8 Centre of Excellence in Computationally Intensive Research (N8 CIR) have delivered a well-received programme of training across N8 including the University of Manchester.  They have consulted with leading researchers across N8 to identify a range of courses and skills to maximise the benefits of computationally intensive methods and accelerate research and would now like the communities help in prioritising the training suggestions.

They have had very few responses from the University compared to other N8 universities so please take 2 mins to make your needs heard.

RIT Costing Clinic – next week!

It’s really important that you include all the Research IT services you require in your research grant application AND that you talk to us before you submit your application. This allows us to plan accordingly and to make sure that the effort and support are available at the right time if your grant application is successful.  Come along for an hour on the 19th Nov and find out what services and support we can offer your research projects.

These sessions are also great for new researchers and PGRs to find out more about the services and expertise Research IT can offer them.

The Pain of a Data Collection Mobile App

For those with long term, constant and often debilitating pain, taking part in a study requiring multiple questionnaires on levels of pain to be completed would be difficult, if not impossible. Research Software Engineers have developed an app for mobile devices to make this a much easier prospect.

RIT Drop-in Session – 25 November

At Research IT we know how busy researchers are, and how talking face to face can be the easiest way to communicate a problem or complex research idea. That’s why every other Wednesday in term-time we host drop-in sessions across campus so you can talk to our experts in person about anything research computing related.  The next session will be on the 11 November.

Research Lifecycle Programme Update

Webinar: Using the Edge Compute service for your research

Following the launch of the edge compute service, a webinar will be held to allow the research community to learn more about the service.

This webinar will introduce edge compute and cover topics such as:

  • What is edge compute
  • How it can benefit your research
  • How to request access to the service
  • Costs of the service

There will also be opportunity for open Q&A at the end of the webinar.  You can register your place via Eventbrite.


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