Category: Facility

Facility: Investigating protein purity

Investigating protein purity is a tricky though valuable question. The reason why it is tricky is that there are many different ways at looking at a biological sample to see what may have gone wrong e.g... Have my proteins been post-translationally modified (e.g....

Facility: Sample submission guidelines

Facility: Sample submission guidelines

Active fromFebruary 2020Introduction:The BioMS Facility is there to help you obtain the best possible data in a timely fashion. To do this the facility needs to have all the relevant information to ensure the correct analyses are performed and to know where your...

Facility: Comparing sample preparation techniques

Facility: Comparing sample preparation techniques

When comparing sample preparation methods you need to consider what success looks like. BioMS's goals for sample prep methods are as follows: Ease of use: The method must be comparatively easy to follow as this means it is more likely to be used and less likely to go...

Facility: Is accuracy important?

Facility: Is accuracy important?

This post follows on from a conversation with Christoph Borchers of the University of Vancouver in which he states “Accuracy is not important, precision is everything”. This is a highly provocative statement, especially in the analytical world but is he right?To begin...