Research on grave goods by Dr Melanie Giles on BBC Radio 3

by | Jan 17, 2022 | Uncategorised | 0 comments

A major monograph arising from the AHRC project Grave Goods: Objects and Death in Later Prehistoric Britain, featuring the work of Dr Melanie Giles (CAHAE) has just been published by Oxbow Books. It considers why we bury things with the dead through the case study of prehistoric burial, and what this can tell us humanity in the past, and issues of personhood and power, as well as the negotiation of grief, loss and memory through material culture.

It is available both as a glossy hardback and also as a free, open access PDF download. The dataset behind the project and our other open access academic articles are now freely available via our ADS webpage. There, you can also find the schools’ resource pack that we produced for primary age children about prehistoric burial, in collaboration with poet Michael Rosen.

A special edition of the Radio 3 programme The Essay: Unearthing Britannia’s Tribes, to be broadcast on Wednesday 19th January 2022, will feature Dr Melanie Giles talking about her work on this project and some of the stories we can tell using this fascinating and moving archaeological evidence.