Call for Papers: The Connected World: New Perspectives in Global Economic History

by | Dec 21, 2023 | Uncategorised | 0 comments

Revista de Historia Industrial – Industrial History Review (RHI-IHR)

Call for Papers

The Connected World: New Perspectives in Global Economic History

Workshop and Special Issue 

The Dana Studio, Science Museum, London

05 June 2024, 9am-5:30pm



The Revista de Historia IndustrialIndustrial History Review would like to invite you to submit a paper proposal for an in-person workshop on “The Connected World: New Perspectives in Global Economic History” (June 05, 2024). It will be organized by Alka Raman (University of Manchester), together with RHI-IHR, The University of Manchester, and The Science Museum (London). The workshop is aimed at discussing the accepted proposals and selecting five papers to be included in a special issue, guest edited by Alka Raman, to be published in 2025.



Global Economic History departs from a conventional view of economic history via its starting position – the historical inter-connectedness of the different regions of the world. This novel starting position allows Global Historians to offer new insights into old questions of Economic History pertaining to industrialisation and economic growth through reassessments of global circulation of people, goods, ideas, techniques, diseases, and institutions, among other parameters. The discipline is forging new ground with the help of innovative new approaches and methodologies. Whether through bold new micro material evidence-based research or by shifting the lens from Eurocentric to a genuinely global perspective or by incorporating evidence and investigative techniques from adjacent disciplines, new work in Global Economic History is altering the landscape of how we view our shared economic and industrial past by transcending not only national but also methodological boundaries.


The Workshop

RHI-IHR Guest Editor Dr Alka Raman invites papers on any aspect of, and using any methodology in, Global Economic History for the workshop, ‘The Connected World: New Perspectives in Global Economic History.’ The workshop will be held at the Science Museum in London on 05 June, 2024. The scope of the workshop is not limited by time period, geography or methodology. The workshop aims to open new avenues of research with new questions, tools, as well as discussions on methods and approaches to Global Economic History amongst a collegial group of academics. Early career researchers are especially encouraged to submit abstracts. We welcome papers addressing, but not limited to, the following themes:

  • Technological Innovations and their Impact on Global Historical Developments
  • Innovative Approaches to Studying Industry, Trade, Finance, and Economic Systems
  • History of Industrialisation involving Social, Economic, Institutional, Environmental or Demographic Change
  • Digital Humanities and Global Economic History
  • Cross-disciplinary Collaborations: Industrial History, Global History, Economic History, Cultural and Religious Studies
  • Interactions between Humans and the Environment
  • Migration from a Global Perspective


Submission Guidelines

Prospective participants are requested to submit abstracts of no more than 500 words alongside a brief one-page CV. The deadline for submission is 29 February 2024. Submission outcomes will be sent out by 31 March 2024. Shortlisted papers will be invited to the workshop.

Following the shortlist, the paper – or alternatively a long abstract of 2,000 words – should be sent by 26 April 2024.

The organizers will fund the venue as well as coffee/tea breaks and lunch. Travel and accommodation should be covered by the participants.

If you submit a paper for the workshop, we will assume that you will be submitting the paper in the Special Issue with the RHI-IHR and expect the paper to not have been submitted elsewhere.

The venue will be the The Dana Studio, Science Museum, London.

Please submit abstracts and CVs to:

For any queries, please contact:



The final version of the manuscripts for the Special Issue review process must be sent by 31 October 2024. After a process of double-blind review, five of the submitted papers will be selected for a Special Issue of the Revista de Historia Industrial – Industrial History Review edited by Alka Raman.

Papers that were shortlisted for the workshop and submitted to the RHI-IHR, but do not make it to the Special Issue will be considered for publication in the regular issues of RHI-IHR, if accepted in the peer review process.


Barcelona, Manchester and Siena, 19 December 2023

The Editorial Board of the Revista de Historia Industrial – Industrial History Review (RHI-IHR) and the Workshop Organisers.