UNIMAN host first meeting of National Stakeholder Group (NSG)

by | Oct 6, 2017 | Uncategorised | 0 comments

The meeting brought together a diverse group of stakeholders from across policy, practitioner, academic and specialist NGO fields. These included: the Home Office Extremism Analysis Unit, Manchester City Council Community Safety team, Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust, Moonshot CVE, Connect Futures, The Tim Parry Jonathan Ball Foundation for Peace, The Runnymede Trust and Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats at Lancaster University.

NSGs are a key and integral part of the DARE project, and will be important in helping to shape the research as well as to disseminate findings as they emerge. This first NSG by the UK team gave us the opportunity to discuss key elements of the impending ethnographic research with young people.

We discussed issues around entry into fieldwork, generating samples for interviews and observations, building trust with gatekeepers and young people, handling difficult situations during the process of fieldwork and the identification of milieus. NSG members brought valuable insights from their own work in these areas enabling us to refine our proposed interview scenarios and overall fieldwork strategy.

Feedback gathered from this meeting will feed into discussions with researchers from the wider DARE consortium at our Methods Workshop to be held in Oslo from 23-26 October.