DARE team meet in Oslo
Between 23 October and 26 October, colleagues from all participating organisations and countries met in Oslo to discuss ethics, methods, data management and involvement of stakeholders in the Dialogue About Radicalisation and Equality’ Project.
Given that during the coming months, the work of many researchers involved in DARE will consist of intensive desk- and field-work this meeting provided a key opportunity for consortium members and individual researchers to discuss the common research tools to be used with young people and experts, who can contribute to the development of new knowledge on pathways to radicalisation.
The project’s comprehensive Data Handbook, drafted by The University of Manchester, and which addresses a variety of issues around data collection, storage and analysis was also discussed.
DARE colleagues reported on the collaboration with representatives from municipalities, ministries, media and civil society organisations at a regional, national and European level, and the exchange with policy makers and colleagues from and beyond their own institutions.
The meeting was graciously hosted by the team at the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HIOA).