About us
The Healthy Ageing Research Group (HARG) at The University of Manchester is a multidisciplinary group conducting research that aims to promote health and wellbeing in later life.
View individual team member profiles in the University Research Explorer.
HARG is led by Prof Emma Stanmore and Dr Alex Hall.
Prof Emma Stanmore
Emma is a Professor in Gerontology in the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, and the Lead for the Healthy Ageing Research Group.
Dr Alex Hall, Lecturer
Alex is a Lecturer in the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, and the Deputy Lead for the Healthy Ageing Research Group.
Prof Chris Todd
Chris is lead for the Applied Research Collaboration Healthy Ageing theme and Manchester lead for the Policy Research Unit in Healthy Ageing.
Prof Emma Vardy
Emma is deputy lead for the Applied Research Collaboration Healthy Ageing theme.
Jane McDermott
Jane is Head of Operations, Collaboration and Impact.
Alison Littlewood
Alison is the Applied Research Collaboration Healthy Ageing theme programme manager.
PhD opportunities
View our PhD opportunities and current PhD students.
Contact us
If you would like to find out more about our research group, or about joining us, please get in touch.
Prof Emma Stanmore
Email: emma.stanmore@manchester.ac.uk
Dr Alex Hall
Email: alex.hall@manchester.ac.uk