Digital interventions and technologies

The Healthy Ageing Research Group are actively involved in the development of co-designed, person-centred digital interventions and technologies for the support of healthy ageing, nutrition and hydration, falls prevention and detection.

We have a specific focus on digital strength and balance both for primary prevention, rehabilitation, secondary prevention and the training of staff.

Digital interventions currently being evaluated and implemented include:

  • Keep On Keep Up (KOKU) – NHS-approved digital falls prevention programme
  • MIRA Exergames – gamified telerehabilitation
  • Motivate Me and My Activity programme
  • FAVE Virtual Reality Falls Awareness Training programme for care home staff

We use randomised controlled trials to evaluate cost-effectiveness, and mixed methods research to assess acceptability, usability and feasibility of technologies for healthy ageing and falls prevention across the translation pathway, from initial idea to implementation into health and social care practice.

We have explored the feasibility and acceptability of existing technologies used in rehabilitation, care home and communities, and worked with both SMEs and international healthcare technology companies. We also carry out work looking at the electronic patient record and the identification of falls and frailty, and carry out systematic reviews of the literature and app reviews of digital ageing interventions.

Current projects

Many of our projects relating to digital interventions are funded through and conducted via the NIHR Greater Manchester Applied Research Collaboration Healthy Ageing Theme.