Research themes
We work extensively across policy, practice and implementation undertaking a wide range of research project activity.
NIHR Policy Research Unit in Healthy Ageing
The NIHR Policy Research Unit in Healthy Ageing produces timely, high quality evidence for policymakers. A collaboration between The University of Manchester, Newcastle University and the London School of Economics, our aims are to answer policymakers’ questions and help the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and it’s arm’s length bodies (such as the NHS) make informed decisions on new and emerging policy needs related to the health and wellbeing of people aged 50 and above living in England. Read more about our extensive portfolio of research.
NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Healthy Ageing Theme
The Healthy Ageing theme of the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration engages in research focussed on healthy ageing and the development of frailty in older age so as to enable people to live longer, healthier and socially connected lives in safe environments. We work extensively with key local and regional stakeholders, including those living and working in our communities to co-produce and develop our research. We do this by:
- Adopting the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Ageing Hub Places and Communities approach to Ageing Well in Greater Manchester as a framework for our research.
- Developing evidence of what works to reduce risk of poor health and wellbeing, reduce morbidity and frailty for those approaching later life between 50-69 years in Greater Manchester, aligned to the aims of the Centre for Ageing Better and GM Population Health Plan.
- Advancing Greater Manchester research capacity in pathways to healthy ageing and acting as a hub of knowledge for stakeholders including older adults.
For more information on our research and projects in Greater Manchester please visit our website.
Explore our areas of work
Physical activity and exercise
The importance and uptake of physical activity and exercise in over-50s.
Falls, concerns about falling and falls prevention
At the forefront of research into falls prevention.
Brain health, dementia and delirium
Aspects of dementia care, support and prevention.
Frailty and rehabilitation
How to improve health outcomes and quality life in older adults.
Nutrition and diet
Malnutrition and the risk of malnutrition in older adults.
Digital interventions and technologies
Co-designed, person-centred digital interventions and technologies.
Inequalities in mid to later life
How inequalities in mid to later life affect health and wellbeing.
Inclusion and engagement
Ensuring our research is informed by citizens.