Inclusion and engagement

As a diverse group of academic researchers, we seek to continuously and proactively engage with and include people and communities who bring lived and living experience, knowledge and expertise to our research.

This includes:

  • Members of the public
  • Patients
  • Carers
  • Health and social care professionals
  • Voluntary, community and faith organisations
  • Other interested parties (such as local government and think tanks)

We also aim to ensure that we are effective in capturing and listening to relevant and appropriate voices, especially including those who may feel isolated or excluded by age, ethnicity, sexual identity, disability, culture, technology, poverty, geography or faith.

We work extensively with a broad range of community organisations and networks, with whom we meaningfully engage with regularly to ensure our research is informed by, and includes, the priorities and needs of citizens. This includes long term and well-established relationships with the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub.

Throughout all our research activity, we follow and adhere to several national guidelines, including but not limited to the National Institute for Health and Care Research INVOLVE Road Map for including and engaging people from under-served groups, and the UK standards for public involvement framework.

Current projects