Student reflects on his summer internship

by | Jan 12, 2023 | AMBS, Undergraduate | 0 comments

Hi! I’m Tim Mickleburgh. I’m a final year BSc Accounting student at the University of Manchester.

I recently spent four weeks at Co-op’s head office in Manchester for a summer internship which was offered exclusively to two BSc Accounting students at the University of Manchester thanks to the university’s partnership with Co-op.

I was encouraged to apply for the internship by our programme director Jennifer Rose. I had never done a job application before which meant it was the first time I had written a CV or done an interview. I was really happy when I found out that my application had been successful.

I loved working at Co-op’s head office. The building was huge and the view of Manchester city centre from the upper floors was amazing. I worked with lots of people and attended team meetings and I got to meet some of Co-op’s most senior leaders. The people were really welcoming and forthcoming in supporting me with my work and sharing their career advice.

I gave a presentation in front of the whole team at the end of the internship, reflecting on my four weeks at the head office and the learnings that I would be taking away from the internship. It was great to be given the opportunity to develop my public speaking skills in front of such a senior audience.

The internship has been invaluable in improving my employability given that I attained no prior work experience and it has also helped me to decide what I want to do after I graduate from university.

I would highly recommend applying for the Co-op internship if you are a first or second year BSc Accounting student!


Written By Tim Mickleburgh, current BSc Accounting student

