Seminar Series: Roxane Gervais
We started off 2022 with our first seminar this year from Dr Roxane Gervais on 26th January. Dr Gervais is a Chartered Psychologist and Registered Occupational Psychologist. Her expertise lie in assessing occupational health and safety issues and promoting evidenced-based practices.
The seminar covered incidences of mental ill health over time and addressed whether these have stayed consistent or changed. It also looked at the factors which can cause mental ill health at work. Dr Gervais ended the seminar with some questions, one of which was: what do we need to start doing differently to ensure a mentally healthy workforce? There are many possibilities, but not a one size fits all.
We have been working with Roxane lately to collate data from OPRA and THOR-GP on mental ill health before and during the pandemic. Dr Gervais will be presenting this data at the 2022 ICOH conference, where she will be presenting alongside other THOR projects.
Roxane on working with THOR data:
It is a lovely opportunity to work on rich databases that provide specific context to those challenges that impact on workers’ mental health. These data allow us to see the consistency of the stressors that lead to mental ill health and support us as researchers and practitioners to consider those interventions that would best add value to workers and to organisations.
This talk was part of our exclusive seminar series which is accessible to all THOR reporters. THOR reporters can view a recording of this seminar via the THOR login page.