Seminar Series: Ross Di Corleto
On 28th April 2021, it was World Day For Health And Safety At Work and we were thrilled to have a seminar by Ross Di Corleto. Ross dialled in to the Zoom seminar all the way from Australia, where he is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Queensland and Griffith University. He is a certified occupational hygienist, a Fellow, Past and 2021 President of the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists.
The seminar discussed the risk factors associated with working in the heat and ways to manage working in hot environments and was enjoyed by THOR reporters and COEH staff and students.
Ross’s summary of the seminar: The management of heat stress in the work environment has always been a significant risk in the occupational setting. This is becoming all the more important as we begin to see changing weather patterns associated with climate variations and increasing occurrences of extreme weather events. This presentation looks at some of the key areas and tools associated with identifying, assessing and controlling the risk associated with heat in the occupational environment.
This talk was part of our exclusive seminar series which is accessible to all THOR reporters. THOR reporters can view a recording of this seminar via the THOR login page.