WILNET Celebrates the International Women’s Day

by | Mar 7, 2019 | Blog | 0 comments

You are cordially invited to the First Annual Lecture of the Women in International Law Network (WILNET) which will take place on 20 March 2019. We are celebrating the International Women’s Day with a Lecture by Dr. Kamala Dawar from the University of Sussex on ‘Trade Agreements and Gender: How Far Can and Do They Go?’

Our guest speaker, Kamala Dawar, is a senior lecturer at the University of Sussex, specialising in international economic law. In addition to teaching courses on international trade, public procurement, commercial and company law, Kamala conducts research, policy analysis and technical assistance training for academic, inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations, including the WTO, World Bank, the European Union, as well as public interest organisations.

The event will be held at Room 4.206, University Place. It will start at 17:00 and be followed by a drinks reception at the Grand Foyer, University Place. The event is funded by the Law and Social Justice series and open to all.

Please register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kamala-dawar-trade-agreements-and-gender-how-far-can-and-do-they-go-tickets-57335470937

We look forward to seeing you all at our First Annual Lecture.


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