Sleeping Well at Ordsall Hall

by | Sep 24, 2024 | Uncategorised | 0 comments

On Sunday 22 September we had our final workshop of the ‘Sleeping Well at Ordsall Hall’ programme. This two-year engagement project, funded by the Wellcome Trust and led by Professor Sasha Handley, has delivered sleep-themed workshops for the general public, schools programming, and staff training in partnership with Ordsall Hall, over the past two years.

The Hall is a beautiful heritage property, owned by Salford Council – it is free to access and does amazing work with local organisations, charities, and schools. Our schools resources are now freely available at Salford Museums Schools’ Hub. Our partnership with Ordsall has drawn on the research of the ‘Sleeping Well’ team at Manchester, and supported the Hall as it seeks to become a recognised hub for health and wellbeing experiences. Please do get in touch with Sasha if you would like to know more about the project.