We take pride in our team of academic staff, research optometrists, study co-ordinators, administrators and research students.
If you visit us as a volunteer, the guide below will help you understand who’s who and their role within the group.
Academic Team
Professor Philip Morgan
Philip has been involved with Eurolens Research from its outset in 1990, and has directed the group since 2006. In addition to his Eurolens Research role, he is Professor of Optometry and Head of Optometry at The University of Manchester.
His main research interests relate to the clinical performance of contact lenses and he teaches on the same subject area at undergraduate and postgraduate level. View research profile
Dr Carole Maldonado-Codina
Carole is Associate Director of Eurolens Research, and has been with the team since 1997. She is also a Senior Lecturer in Optometry at The University of Manchester.
Her main research interests focus on the effect that contact lenses have on the eye and how contact lens materials can be developed to improve contact lens comfort. View research profile
Dr Michael Read
Michael is the New Technologies Manager at Eurolens Research and has been a member of the team since 2007, when he joined as a PhD student.
He is responsible for liaising with the contact lens industry and managing clinical laboratory research projects within the group. His main interests relate to contact lens surfaces and their interaction with the surface of eye. View research profile
Dr Maria Navascues-Cornago
Maria joined Eurolens Research as a PhD student in 2011 and has continued her research within the group since receiving her doctorate in 2015. Her research interests focus on the clinical performance and comfort of contact lenses.
Andy Plowright
Andy has been with Eurolens Research since 2005. As Operations Manager he oversees the day-to-day running of the group and is responsible for planning and managing clinical studies. He has many roles that focus on maintaining good working processes to provide the best results for our clients and the best experience for our study volunteers. He also works closely with The University of Manchester Research Ethics Committee, ensuring that our studies are ethically and scientifically sound and that the rights of our study volunteers are upheld.
Michelle Inwood
With a key role in regulatory affairs, study monitoring and quality assurance, Michelle ensures that we conduct our research in accordance to the strict guidelines that govern clinical studies, adopt good clinical practice at all times and that the data that we gather from our volunteers are accurate.
Research Optometrists
Neil Chatterjee, Aftab Mirza and Sarah Smith
This team is responsible for ensuring that our volunteers meet study inclusion criteria and fully understand what is expected of them during a study, undertaking the clinical procedures required during a study and, most importantly, ensuring that our volunteers’ eyes are healthy and that they receive exemplary optical care for the duration of a study.
Our optometrists are all highly trained and carry out their research work in a professional, yet friendly, manner.
As qualified optometrists, duty of care is their primary focus and they are on hand to answer any questions or concerns that our volunteers may have about their eyes during a study.
Clinical Support Team
Theresa Rigg, Nikola Niziolek and Ella Brown
As a study volunteer, Theresa, Nikola and Ella are your first contact points, either by phone or email. They are all friendly and knowledgeable about our studies and will be able to help you out if you have any questions.
Theresa and Ella work closely with study volunteers to find out their suitability for studies, book study visits and ensure that visit schedules are maintained. Nikola’s main focus is monitoring study data to ensure its integrity.
Tracey Burgoyne
Tracey has been with Eurolens Research since 2001. As our Senior Administrator and an experienced optical assistant, she plays an important role in linking our clinical and administrative teams. She is also an experienced trainer – if any of our volunteers need a refresher session on the safe handling of contact lenses, Tracey is on hand to help
Tonie Sly
Tonie has been with the team since 2006. As a Project Officer, she works behind the scenes to keep the clinical and administrative processes working well together. She is also responsible for study recruitment, ensuring that we always have a solid bank of volunteers ready to take part in studies.
PhD Students
Kasandra Swiderska
Kasandra is a PhD student, under the supervision of our academic staff. Her PhD project focuses on the function of the eyes’ Meibomian glands.