Information for current volunteers
If you need support or advice regarding your study participation, we’re here to help.
While the quality of the data we collect from our study volunteers is important to us, your health and wellbeing is more important.
Whilst on a study, please contact us as soon as possible if:
- you’re concerned about your eyes (eg if you’re experiencing reduced vision, have red or uncomfortable eyes, etc);
- you’re running out of study supplies;
- you’re unclear on any study instructions we have given you;
- your general health changes while on the study, even if it is unrelated to your eyes (eg if you’re prescribed a new medication by your doctor, you have an accident etc);
- you’re unable to make a scheduled study visit or are running late for a visit.
Contact us in any of the above circumstances, or if you have any other questions.
Contact details
During office hours
tel: +44 (0)161 306 2132
Outside office hours
If your enquiry is non-urgent, leave a voicemail on 0161 302 2132 and we will contact you as soon as our office reopens. Alternatively, email us on
If you are a volunteer on one of our studies and have an issue with your eyes that needs immediate attention, we recommend that you contact your local Accident and Emergency Department and then contact us as soon as possible with details of the incident.
If you’re in Manchester, the Emergency Eye Centre at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital is also available and may be able to offer you advice.
If you’re unsure where to go, call NHS 111 for advice 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is free to call from landlines and mobiles.