Maddie discusses why you should study Religions, Theology and Ethics
Hi! My name is Maddie, and I am a third-year BA Religions, Theology and Ethics student. Deciding what to study and where to study can be a daunting process for any student, and so I aim to make this process a little easier. So, today, I will share the top four reasons for studying Religions, Theology and Ethics at The University of Manchester, and why I believe it to be the best place to study this course.
Firstly, if you choose to study here, you will be living in one of the boldest and brightest cities in the UK. Manchester has limitless opportunities on offer for you, whether it be in the form of hobbies to do, people to meet, food to try, or nights out to be had. As someone interested in potentially studying religions, you may appreciate the multicultural diversity this wonderful city offers, along with the many different faiths this brings to Manchester. So, you will not just be studying religion but also experiencing it while living in Manchester.
Secondly, Manchester offers one of the most diverse Religions courses in the country. With only one compulsory module in your undergraduate career, you can pick and choose modules that fit with your specific talents and interests. For example, I can focus on my passion for the ethics of religion due to my selection of relevant modules. There are many different modules on offer, coving topics from feminist biblical theology to the problem of evil; you will be spoilt for choice! This freedom allows the course to be deeply engaging and personal as you only have to study what interests you.
Thirdly, the department of Religions, Theology and Ethics is second to none, in my opinion. Your lecturers will be experts in their fields, meaning lectures are always accurate, stimulating, up to date, and deeply interesting. Moreover, if you encounter any issues with the material or your academics in general, staff are always more than happy to help. Whenever I have needed help, my professors always go above and beyond to solve the issue and ensure their students are happy and comfortable. Moreover, due to the size of our department, students and staff can build close working relationships, which allow students to receive advice that is personal to them. I doubt you will find a better department!
Fourthly, studying Religions and Theology will allow you to maximize and fulfill your potential and open up so many doors for you in the future. Many are apprehensive about the career prospects of a Religions degree; however, there is no reason to be. Not only does the University have the highest employability rate of any university in the UK, but the subject itself provides you with all of the tools to go into any area of work you wish to. Graduates have entered the world of work through varied avenues and have had great success due to the skills learned in this course. You will learn how to evaluate, explain, analyse and synthesize information, all of which are vital skills most employers look for in their employees.
Now I have given you these reasons, why not apply and receive all the above and more!