Building confidence to improve learners’ experiences in educational institutions across Hong Kong

by | Mar 24, 2023 | Education, Postgraduate | 0 comments

Peter Moss, distance-learning student on the MA Digital Technologies, Communication and Education and currently living in Bangkok, shares his experience of studying on the course and how he plans to use this in his career. 

On why I chose to study the course

Before coming onto the course, I was a Primary EAL teacher in Hong Kong working for the Hong Kong Education Bureau (HK EDB). I intend to return to HK in the summer of 2024 to become an advisory teacher for the HK EDB. You are expected to have a master’s degree in some form of education for this role, as the job requires you to conduct CPD for English teachers in HK.

On my study experience as distance learner

I spend around 15-20 hours per week on average. Most of this time is spent researching and reading literature.

I’ve enjoyed being introduced to new aspects of educational technology, especially the areas concerning second language acquisition. I’ve found the group work the most challenging aspect so far as it can be difficult to coordinate living in a different time zone than the UK.

During the first semester, I visited a museum in Bangkok (where I live) as part of the Education Technology and Communication course (ETC). The purpose of the visit was to analyse and discuss how technology could improve or enhance the visitor’s experience at the museum.

Having previously completed two PGCEs, I feel doing this master’s is quite different to what I’ve experienced before. My PGCEs were far more practical and focused more on learning theory, whereas this master’s has required me to be more philosophical and research-based.

However, it’s this aspect that I have enjoyed the most, as I often find myself thinking about the subjects being discussed on the course, even when I’m not actively studying at my computer! So, in summary, I’d say the course has been quite a mentally consuming experience so far, but in a positive way.

My top tip for distance learners

For distance learners, my biggest tip would be time management. It can feel quite isolating being a distance learner, so it’s easy to lose motivation and fall behind the rest of the group. I always set myself a realistic study schedule and stick to it. It takes all the stress out of studying at a distance.

Get familiar with the various time management apps like Apple or Google calendars and create a new calendar for your master’s that’s separate from your personal one. I also use to keep track of assignments and deadlines. This app is also very useful for group collaboration work.

On what I aim to do after the course

After completing the MA DTCE, I aim to become an advisory teacher for the Hong Kong Education Bureau.

For this role, I need to support and advise English teachers working in schools across the region. I look forward to having the knowledge and confidence to approach other teachers and managers with solutions that will help improve learners’ experiences at educational institutions across Hong Kong.