Studying a Postgraduate degree as an international student

by | Nov 28, 2023 | AMBS, Postgraduate | 0 comments

Hi, I’m Yash, an international student from India currently studying MSc Business Analysis and Strategic Management (BASM) at AMBS.

My journey as an International student has been nothing short of an experience. It’s a process that started in September 2022, and it has been a transition I did not expect to be easy but is turning out to be fruitful.

There is a lot of preparation that goes into planning out your Master’s, especially as an International student. From finances to paperwork, the past year involved a lot of planning, and I am glad I put in the time to do so.

As I was perusing through different Postgraduate courses, primarily focusing on consulting, I came across the course BASM. I was elated to see the core modules and range of electives offered by the course which made my decision even firmer to be a part of this prestigious University.

After making the decision and applying to The University, I waited eagerly to hear of an offer, which in my case was an offer of acceptance! What followed next was simply a lot of scouting for accommodation, combined with the ongoing visa process. The process of looking for good accommodation was further simplified once we received the accommodation offer from The University, offering the halls which was always my preferred option.

I dived straight into buying the essentials – of course, these were the Indian Snacks!

After packing up all the essentials, I was all set to say my goodbyes to friends and families at the airport. A long 14-hour journey followed next and brought me to the ‘Music capital’- Manchester. This was my first time moving away from my family for education and settling into a city abroad.

The accommodation was beautiful just like I had imagined and full of diversity, fortunately on the same day I got a chance to connect with fellow students coming from different parts of the world. The meetups with my neighbours and flatmates really helped forge connections and camaraderie that I’ll surely cherish going forward.

Hailing from India, I was never used to the weather in Manchester. Unlike Mumbai, there’s rarely been a day where the weather has stayed the same throughout, from light drizzles to strong winds, to the sudden flares of sunshine, the weather keeps on changing. As the days pass, I am getting used to it and am always carrying an umbrella, we never know when it starts raining.

I am still in the process of getting accustomed to the city and would love to explore more in and around the city and other parts of the UK. I am sure traveling is one of the best ways to learn and experience new things. Speaking of new things, quite recently I got to witness a match at Old Trafford, I got an opportunity to witness Manchester United in its glory. The atmosphere was electric, now I know why the fans love the team so much!

Delving into the course details, the modules delivered at AMBS are practical with assignments helping us relate the core concepts to the practicalities of the real world. The teaching methods are very much like those in Mumbai, however, more emphasis is given to design thinking and creativity. I have four core modules during my first semester and am really looking forward to maximizing my learnings from them.

To conclude, if you have an opportunity to study as an international student you should definitely opt for it! It’s a roller coaster ride, but it’s one of the best experiences you can have.


Written by Yash, current MSc Business Analysis and Strategic Management student at AMBS

