First Year: My University Adventure

by | Feb 2, 2024 | AMBS, Undergraduate | 0 comments

Embarking on the thrilling adventure of university life is always a significant milestone, but for me, a wide-eyed international student, the journey began in the midst of a global pandemic in 2020. Navigating the uncharted waters of a new culture, academic system, and social landscape during such tumultuous times was a unique experience that shaped my first year in ways I could never have predicted.

The initial days were a whirlwind of emotions, as I navigated through a sea of masked faces and socially distanced interactions. The vibrant campus that I had seen in brochures and online tours seemed quieter, almost muted, as the world grappled with the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic. The bustling hallways were replaced by virtual classrooms, and the traditional orientation events were conducted through screens. It was a stark departure from the typical university experience, but it was my reality.

One of the first challenges was the adjustment to online learning. The virtual realm became my new classroom, with lectures, seminars, and group projects unfolding on a laptop screen. Time zone differences added an extra layer of complexity, as I strived to synchronize my schedule with my professors and peers spread across various corners of the world. Despite the physical distance, the online platforms became a bridge that connected us all, fostering a sense of community even in the digital space.

Homesickness hit me unexpectedly, and the pangs of missing familiar faces and the comforting aroma of home-cooked meals became more pronounced. Yet, the university community proved to be a welcoming embrace. Connecting with fellow international students, sharing our experiences, and discovering the common thread of resilience helped ease the emotional burden. Virtual coffee chats and online game nights became the new norm for forging friendships, offering a glimpse of the diverse and vibrant tapestry that is university life.

As the semester progressed, I found solace in the routine of academic pursuits. Assignments, exams, and the pursuit of knowledge became my anchor. The adaptability demanded by the circumstances honed my time management skills and resilience. Every obstacle was an opportunity to learn and grow, a mindset that became my guiding principle in the face of uncertainty.

Despite the hurdles, there were silver linings. The digital age facilitated connections with professors and experts from around the globe through virtual seminars and guest lectures. These interactions broadened my perspective and enriched my academic journey in ways I hadn’t anticipated. The emphasis on technology-driven collaboration opened doors to a new era of learning, showcasing the adaptability and innovation inherent in the academic community.

Reflecting on my first year as an international student during the pandemic, I see a tapestry woven with threads of tenacity, adaptability, and the unwavering human spirit. University life, though different from the conventional narrative, proved to be a transformative experience. As I look forward to the coming years, I carry with me the resilience forged in the crucible of uncertainty, knowing that each challenge is an opportunity to grow and thrive in this ever-evolving landscape of academia.


Written by Luiza, current BSc Management student at AMBS

