From Offer-Holder to UoM Student: My Journey
I will forever remember the night when I received my offer from the University of Manchester. It was February 11th of 2021 and, after spending the week refreshing my email inbox hundreds of times, I finally received the long-awaited email from the UoM. It felt like a dream come true, but also something so far away that felt almost unreal. I still had most of my semester to go, in addition to my final exams, and while the excitement was definitely there, I don’t think I fully processed it until summer started.
For those of you, lucky enough to be starting this exciting adventure, and wondering what the next months will look like, I am here to share my journey from receiving the offer to stepping on campus for the first time.
Reality Sets In
After school was over, reality finally set in; this was not a “am I going to make it to UoM” game anymore, I was actually moving to a whole different country to study. As an international student, this felt like a huge step, and at times like I was choosing my studies over my family, which could be very overwhelming at times. But I found that breaking it all down into small steps really helped.
I started by researching Manchester, its history, its culture, spots for students or the weather. And yes, it does rain a lot… but you grow fonder of it every day! I even remember going on Google Maps and spending hours walking around the city on “street view”! Watching videos, reading blogs, following UoM’s social media, or contacting students through the university’s systems, helped me so much, and made me feel like I already belonged.
Managing Preparations while Studying
For me, this was the trickiest part. I found it really difficult to focus on anything other than schoolwork, especially given that university felt so far off. Nevertheless, small preparations made me feel motivated, and helped relieve some of the pressure. I started by listing tasks I needed to complete– like accommodation, a UK bank account, Student Visa, and packing. I also joined groups on WhatsApp and Facebook for offer-holders which gave me a sense of community and took off stress.
The Adventure Starts
The hardest thing was saying goodbye to my family. Realising I would be so far away, and that my routines and support system were changing overnight, was hard. To ease the transition, my parents helped me settle in, and once I was all by myself, we scheduled regular video calls or remote dinners, which really helped me.
Even though it is scary, it does get easier; every day I was less homesick and, in a couple of weeks I already adapted to this new life. And don’t worry, I have been away for 4 years now, and back home nothing has changed; home will always be home.
Settling In
By the time I arrived at Manchester, I felt really nervous. Would I make friends? Would I like my course? It is a lot of uncertainty, but the key for me was to live as many experiences as possible, and remember that everyone is in the same boat. I attended all Welcome Week events, joined the Spanish society to feel closer to home, and met amazing people that, up to this day, are still my closest friends.
Moving to Manchester has changed my life, and was one of my best decisions, and I am sure it will be for you too. Embrace the journey and good luck!
Written by Txell, current BSc International Management student at AMBS