How MA Creative and Cultural Industries Furthered my Career
Reflecting on my journey as a recent graduate as a recent graduate of the Master’s in Creative and Cultural Industries (CCI), I can confidently say the course has played an important role in helping me progress both personally and professionally.
One of the most valuable aspects of the course was the opportunity to meet a wide variety of people working in the creative sector. Throughout my time in the masters, I had the privilege of connecting with professors, artists, and master’s students who brought diverse perspectives and experience in a variety of areas. These interactions not only increased my understanding of the creative industries but also expanded my professional network. Through group projects, placements, volunteer work, and discussions, I gained practical experience and built relationships that have already opened doors for me now that I have started working.
After completing my master’s, I secured a part-time role as a Front of House host at Factory International, a cultural organisation in Manchester known for hosting a variety of artistic events, including theatre, concerts, exhibitions, and performances. Working at Factory International has given me insight into how cultural organisations operate and produce events. For example, I am currently involved in the David Hockney exhibition “Bigger & Closer,” which has been an amazing experience. I’ve also worked during medium-scale concerts and other performances, learning about the behind-the-scenes coordination and teamwork required to deliver these events. I am certain that both my master’s degree and the relationship The University of Manchester has with Factory International were crucial in helping me secure this job.
In addition to my role at Factory International, I’ve also applied for the University’s Manchester Graduate Talent (MGT) program, which offers one-year roles to recent graduates. Through this program, I have started working at the university’s International Office, where I manage the Manchester Calling Campaign, one of the university’s most significant international student recruitment activities. This role has allowed me to develop skills like project management, communication, marketing, student support and data analysis, while also meeting people from the university and beyond. The experiences and responsibilities I am taking on in this role are helping me prepare for other roles I will hopefully get in the future.
Overall, the master’s in Creative and Cultural Industries has been the major aspect of my career progression. It has provided me with the knowledge, connections, and confidence to get opportunities that align with my passions and goals. Whether it’s working on cultural events or contributing to impactful university initiatives, I’m grateful for the foundation this course has given me. For anyone considering applying to The University of Manchester, I 100% recommend this master’s!
This post was written by Paulina Gonzalez, MA Creative and Cultural Industries Alumna and University of Manchester International Office Intern. More information about MA Creative and Cultural Industries is available on the University website.