Christina talks about why students should join a Society!
This blog is written to spark your interest on joining one or even many societies that the University offers, which is about 400 of them! You can choose from your subject’s society, to sports, art and even knitting. There’s so much to choose from that you will find societies you didn’t even know you wanted to join, so it’s worth checking it out!
Why join a society?
1. Socializing
Arriving to a new city with new people and new prospects could be startling and rather exciting. It is the perfect time to start making friends in university and a society is a great start. Through a society you can meet lifelong friends that have the same interests and hobbies as you, making it easier to settle down in uni.
2. Go after your passion
Societies give you a chance to either broaden your skills or go for what you love doing. If you don’t have a passion, don’t worry, societies are there for you to give you a chance to find your own passion with many choices to choose from. Societies such as sports offer amazing facilities to improve your performance, as well as compete for your team in BUCS and The Christie Championships. Just like other societies, they all aim for you to improve your skills and have fun!
3. Improve CV potential
During university, you start thinking about your future careers as well as studying your course. Societies are a great way to make your CV stand out and impress your employers. You gain communication skills and even leadership skills when apply for positions to be a Treasurer or President of a society. You even gain time management skills by balancing your university work while committing to a society.
4. Most importantly, have fun!
Societies are a getaway from your studies to meet people and spread your enthusiasm. Each society holds their own different socials such as Halloween parties and end of year Balls which is another great way to bond with others in a different environment!
Join a society, now!
Hopefully you are intrigued on joining a society by now and the next steps on how to apply are quite easy. Through the Students Union website you can browse around and find the society that attracts you the most. Usually, you can either apply through the Students’ Union website or it redirects you to their social media pages where you can apply through there.
Thank you for reading and I hope you find your dream society!