GDI Lecture Series: From protest to progress? On addressing global discontent

by | Feb 28, 2022 | Geography and Global Development, Postgraduate | 0 comments

Social unrest is on the rise once more. A surge in discontent in the wake of the global financial crisis was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic but is resuming in many places and in many different forms as the pandemic begins to recede. The causes, manifestations and consequences of this discontent is the subject of Perspectives on Global Development 2021: From protest to progress? – a new flagship report by the OECD Development Centre.

In this lecture series organised by the Global Development Institute (GDI), Alexander Pick, the lead author of the report, will discuss its key findings about the complexities of discontent, what the phenomenon tells us about the world around us, and what needs to be done to address it, at a local, national and international level.