Advice for new students: lessons from my journey

by | Nov 28, 2023 | AMBS, Undergraduate | 0 comments

Starting university can be a whirlwind of emotions: excitement, anticipation, and sometimes a bit of nervousness. As someone who has been on the same journey, I wanted to share some pieces of advice that helped shape my time at the University of Manchester, in hopes that they might guide you too.

1. Embrace Every Opportunity

During my time as an undergraduate studying International Business Finance and Economics, I sought opportunities that took me out of my comfort zone. From organizing The University of Manchester Campus Hult Prize to becoming a student ambassador, each experience enhanced my journey and offered a fresh perspective. So, whether it’s joining a club, volunteering, or participating in competitions, embrace opportunities that resonate with you.

2. Develop a Multifaceted Skill Set

The modern world demands a multifaceted skill set. For me, diving into the depths of R and Tableau, self-learning Python, and understanding the world of finance more holistically proved invaluable. Remember, university isn’t just about textbook knowledge; it’s about acquiring skills that set you apart.

3. Network, Network, Network

Through events like the LVMH marketing competition, global ESG business contest, Hult Prize, and my time as a UOM Ambassador, I realized the power of networking. Meeting people, both within and outside your field, can open doors to opportunities you hadn’t even considered. The University of Manchester has a diverse community, and each individual brings unique experiences and insights. Engage with them.

4. Seek Out Real-World Experiences

Theory is vital, but real-world application truly cements your understanding. My stints in risk management at Agricultural Bank of China, consulting at P&F Fintech, and my placement year in the strategy department of Johnson & Johnson, were eye-openers. These experiences offered practical insights that I could never have gleaned from a textbook alone.

6. Celebrate Your Achievements, But Stay Humble

Whether it was receiving the Outstanding Academic Reward or seeing the success of the events I organized, celebrating milestones boosted my morale. However, humility is key. There’s always something new to learn, and no achievement is too big to overshadow the lessons that lie ahead.

7. Lastly, Enjoy the Journey

University life isn’t just about academics and extracurriculars. It’s about making lifelong friends, discovering more about yourself, and enjoying the journey. So, attend those socials, explore the city, and make the most of this incredible chapter of your life.

In conclusion, university is a transformative period, filled with challenges and rewards in equal measure. But with the right attitude, a hunger for knowledge, and the willingness to step out of your comfort zone, it can truly be an unforgettable experience. Best of luck on your journey, and welcome to the University of Manchester!


Written by Zijin, current BSc IBFE student at AMBS

