Why I Chose to Study Chinese & Business and Management

by | Jan 10, 2024 | Languages and Cultures, Undergraduate | 0 comments

Hello! I’m Yousuf, a second-year student at the University of Manchester, currently pursuing a degree in Chinese with Business and Management. I’ve had the privilege of residing in the Greater Manchester area for quite some time. My high school and sixth form were conveniently close to the University of Manchester, which ensured it was always at the forefront of my mind. And yes, like any true Mancunian, I proudly support Manchester United!

What sets Manchester apart is its approach to education. My initial year was a whirlwind of five foundational modules, equipping me with a solid grounding in both the Chinese language and business fundamentals. However, my second year has me buzzing with excitement because it offers just two mandatory modules, allowing me to delve deeper into my chosen field of business. Plus, I’ve thrown in a wildcard by opting for an Islamic philosophy module – because why not explore diverse horizons?

Learning at Manchester is wider than the traditional textbooks and lectures. It’s an interactive journey featuring seminars, collaborative projects, and an exceptional faculty who provide unwavering support. And the cherry on top? I’m gearing up for a year abroad in China to further enhance my Chinese language skills!

As I pursue a joint honours degree, I’ve had the pleasure of engaging with some genuinely captivating modules. On the Chinese front, “Introduction to Chinese Studies” offered an eye-opening exploration of China’s rich history and culture. Meanwhile, on the business side, “Fundamentals of Finance” was a standout, providing me with a comprehensive understanding of critical business operations, from stocks and bonds to portfolio diversification and venture capitalism. This module perfectly aligned with my passion for the world of finance, and I thoroughly enjoyed the lectures we had.

Beyond the classroom, life at Manchester is a vibrant tapestry of opportunities. I had the privilege of working as a student fundraiser. This role not only allowed me to have fun but also connect with incredible people while giving back to the university community. Additionally, my involvement in the Islamic Society has enriched my experience as they offer diverse events, classes, and excellent facilities for fellow students. This helped me foster a strong sense of belonging and make many life-long friends.

For prospective students, here’s my advice: Manchester is a melting pot of academic excellence. Whether your interests lie in languages, culture, business, or something in between, this university caters to your aspirations. Dive headfirst into the plethora of opportunities, become an active part of various clubs and societies, and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Written by Yousuf Ismail, 2nd year BA Modern Language and Business & Management (Chinese) student 

