Why I Chose to Study a Masters in Digital Media, Culture and Society

by | Jan 17, 2024 | Postgraduate | 0 comments

Choosing a uni course can be more difficult than expected, there are so many to choose from at so many different universities! I think Uni of Manchester was always my first choice and so for me, it was just the decision of which course I wanted to study as there were so many interesting options. My one piece of advice for choosing a course is to choose the degree you would enjoy studying, I know it’s been said so many times however, you need to really find your course interesting so make sure you read the course description and even take a look at the modules on offer, think if you can imagine yourself on the course.

When I could finalise my choice of the Digital Media, Culture and Society MA, I was over the moon! I had looked at all of the modules before deciding and even now I’m on the course, I still can’t make decisions about which module will be the best. I’d always been interested in cultural studies from my previous studies and mixed with the digital media aspect, the course was perfect.

With the Digital Media, Culture and Society MA, you can study all aspects of the digital world, from social media and digital labour to the future of artificial intelligence and virtual reality. One of the craziest questions in my degree is ‘is life a simulation’? Having discussions like this is amazing and so intriguing, being able to engage in debates that I honestly care about.

My favourite module in my course is in fact my placement module so far. Having the opportunity to dive into my subject-specific job market is amazing. My placement does in fact take place at the University of Manchester in the School of Medicine and so is giving me an opportunity to analyse and present data outside of my knowledge base. This placement has helped me grow as a person and has given me so many transferable skills. It is my favourite module just because of how rewarding the work is, I would highly recommend everyone to do a placement module if there is one available on your course, it’s amazing!

With my master’s course, a typical week can vary however I am usually on the university campus 3 times a week on average. These are days when I have lectures or seminars but usually, I will stay for the whole day, going to the library and other study spaces in between classes. Before I went to uni, I was given some advice from a family friend to treat university as a Mon-Fri, 9-5 job, then you could have weekends and evenings off to either go out with friends, chill, or work at a part-time job. Treating your course as a typical job will ensure you keep up to date and also get all of your work done. It’s the best university piece of advice I was ever given and so that’s what I’ll leave you with.

Written by Bethany Woolliscroft, a Digital Media, Culture and Society MA student

