At The University of Manchester, I’m presently pursuing a master’s degree in environmental impact assessment and management. This blog will chronicle my experiences throughout my first semester at the university, and my plans for the coming year.

My first semester in Manchester

First time on campus

Upon my arrival on campus, I was promptly captivated by the awe-inspiring surroundings. The University of Manchester stands as an exemplary institution among the renowned red-brick universities in the United Kingdom. Its architectural composition boasts historical significance and distinctive attributes that have left an enduring impression on me, reminiscent of a bygone era over a century ago. In light of this, I found it imperative to capture the university’s grandeur through photography to share it with others.
Just to remind you, do not forget to make an appointment to collect your student ID card, you will receive an email via your university email address and the collection point is at the main library.


The Old Quadrangle

Student life

The University of Manchester’s academic demands is notably rigorous, which is befitting its esteemed reputation. The initial week of the first semester is primarily dedicated to course orientations, allowing students to familiarize themselves with their academic environment. I found it imperative to prioritize weekly assignment deadlines, engage in workshops and lectures, and prepare for the forthcoming first-semester assessments commencing from the second week onwards.

Nevertheless, I hold a favourable view of this place due to its capacity to facilitate the equilibrium

University campus

University campus

between academic pursuits and personal life. In addition to my scholastic commitments, this environment provides a plethora of opportunities for personal growth and skill development. For example, I applied to become a student ambassador to enhance my interpersonal aptitude and engage with a diverse array of individuals. Moreover, I am involved in the campus sustainability team, thus contributing to environmental conservation efforts. In addition, the autumn on The University of Manchester campus is really beautiful, so don’t forget to go out and take some autumn scenery during the first semester!

How I am planning to spend my year in Manchester

Within this year, I have diligently devised a comprehensive strategy to enhance the value of this period. My foremost initiative encompasses the precise delineation of my future career development trajectory. In tandem with my academic endeavours and assessment completion this year, I am committed to honing a diverse array of competencies through engagement in extracurricular activities, all designed to position me favourably for the future. I aim to augment the content of my CV and enhance my LinkedIn during this year.

The CareerConnect service provided by The University of Manchester has proven to be an invaluable resource for my job search. I am committed to leveraging this service throughout the coming year, actively engaging in a multitude of job fairs and workshops to enhance my readiness for the job search and application process.

I also intend to utilize my vacation time to embark on journeys to broaden my horizons and enrich my study abroad life, such as the Scottish Highlands, Windermere Lake District National Park, and Northern Ireland, etc. Of course, studying is still the priority. What I mean is that it does not affect studying and assessment.

In conclusion, I aspire to achieve exemplary academic outcomes as I approach my graduation. Moreover, I am committed to harnessing the abundant resources provided by The University of Manchester not only for scholastic endeavours but also for my personal growth and better preparation for integration into society.


Written by Mingyu, current MSc Environmental Impact Assessment and Management at The University of Manchester

