
Our research underpins, and is informed by, our leading role in audiology education and service delivery in the UK.

Recent successes include:

  • NIHR Senior Investigator awarded to Professor Kevin Munro.
  • UK government roundtable on research priorities for hearing and tinnitus (with the University of Nottingham and University College London).
  • In 2019, Sonova (Switzerland) designated our group as a preferred centre for research into hearing devices and research that leads to benefit for people with a hearing impairment.

Our multidisciplinary team has expertise in medical sciences, psychophysics, electrophysiology, neuroimaging, engineering, signal processing, auditory rehabilitation, teleaudiology, cognitive psychology, health psychology, genetics, biostatistics, data informatics, speech processing, development and validation of self-report measures.

Improving healthcare services

We are recognised as the leading group in the UK for research that leads to improved services for people with hearing loss.

Examples of this include development, implementation and evaluation of:

Our research is frequently cited in national practice guidelines. This is a unique and valuable aspect of our work, as the resulting connections and access to services position us for effective clinical and translational research.

Research projects

Our research portfolio covers the life course and spans basic discovery through to clinical applications in:

Research publications

All of our publications from 2016 onwards can be found on the University’s Research Explorer, or you can download a list of publications from 2015 and earlier.

Open Science

ManCAD aspires to Open Science research practices, which include pre-registering our studies prior to data collection and making our publications Open Access so that they are accessible to everyone.