Your data security
On this page:
Who sees the information I put in the app?
Data entered on the app for the daily, weekly and monthly questionnaires is not stored on your phone and will be automatically uploaded onto secure computer servers at The University of Manchester when you click the ‘Finish’ button at the end of each questionnaire.
You will be able to download a summary of your symptom tracking scores from the server (using the ‘My Score’ tab), but the symptom tracking data is not stored on your phone.
Your data will also be held in a secure database on a University-approved third party platform. The third party will be responsible for creating the visualisations of your data that your health care professional can view in your clinic consultations.
The third party will process the data on behalf of The University of Manchester, and will have access to your NHS number, name, date of birth and the data you put into the app. They will not have access to any other personal details or contact information for you.
The data collected in the REMORA app will not be viewed or monitored by the study team or any medical team between your clinical consultations. Your collected data is shared with your rheumatology care team who will only review it at the time of your consultation. Your collected data will not be shared with your GP or any other specialist providers.
Is my name linked to the information?
The study team at The University of Manchester will store your information that could identify you securely, such as name and contact information, separately to your research data. You will be given a unique identifying number (your REMORAid). All research data will be stored with the REMORAid. Any personal information will only be accessible by the study team at The University of Manchester.
We will destroy the link between your identifying information and your REMORAid at the end of the trial, and any published results will not contain any personal data that could allow you to be identified. We may still hold your name and contact details if you have agreed to future contact, but those details will not be associated with your REMORAid and research data. Your name, or any details that could identify you, will not be used in any publications resulting from this trial.
In the Information for participants section: