Written by Joe HunterAt first, I wasn't sure I was the right person to act as a mentor for the schools poetry competition. After all, I was – I am – primarily a fiction writer. But I write plenty of poetry, and had certainly studied it for long enough. As Dr Luke...
Category: English Literature and Creative Writing
Poetry & Nature in Greater Manchester
Written by Dr Clara DawsonIn June, I had the pleasure of organising nature and creative writing workshops for school pupils in Manchester, co-ordinated with Lancashire Wildlife Trust. The three workshops were designed for Year 10 Manchester Academy pupils in the...
Social Responsibility Awards, Round 2 (2021-22): Project Abstracts
Written/compiled by Anke BernauWe are delighted to share abstracts (see below) for some of the projects that received Social Responsibility (SR) / Cultural Engagement Awards in the second round of applications for this year. We hope that this will give a good sense of...
Refugee Arts Networks: Extending the Frame
Written by Dr Szabolcs Musca In November 2021, a group of academics, artists and activists gathered to ask: What are the strategies and challenges faced by refugee artists today? How can networks foster systemic change? How can we develop new frameworks driven by...
Social Responsibility Awards, Round 1 (2021-22): Project Abstracts
Written/compiled by Anke BernauWe are delighted to share abstracts (see below) for some of the projects that received Social Responsibility (SR) / Cultural Engagement Awards in the first round of applications for this year. We hope that this will give a good sense of...

Sexuality Summer School 2021: Queering the Archive
Written by Jackie Stacey, Sabine Sharp, and Janelle Hixon In May 2021, the Centre for the Study of Sexuality and Culture (CSSC) held its 14th Sexuality Summer School (SSS), organised this year around the theme of ‘Queering the Archive’ and taking place online over...

Letters to a President: American Studies Writing Competition
Written by Dr. Andrew FearnleyIn spring 2021, the American Studies programme organised a nation-wide schools’ letter writing competition, entitled ‘Letters to a President’. The competition was launched to coincide with the inauguration of US President Joe Biden, and...
The following activity is a work-in-progress and currently on hold due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The description below reflects the aims of the project and its proposed framework. A day of events celebrating and investigating genetics on DNA day, the anniversary of...
School Poetry Competition
The Centre for New Writing has organised the annual schools’ poetry competition for the past 3 years, working in collaboration with local high schools. The Centre has established a sustainable model, to ensure this competition can be an annual initiative run in...
Teaching creative writing in hospital
Blog post written by Horatio Clare.I have been working with staff and patients - known as 'service users' - on a secure ward in a psychiatric hospital in Wakefield in order to identify and develop ways in which creative writing may be used to aid recovery from mental...