Loving Machines? Free public event at Manchester Cathedral
Loving Machines?
With support and funding from Scientists in Congregations and Creative Manchester, Dr Scott Midson, Lecturer in Liberal Arts Scott has been working on some short films based on his research on love and robots. The films will feature robo-companions such as Pepper, MiRo, and Cozmo, and they will be used as the basis of a resource pack aimed at facilitating discussions in schools and churches.
The films will be launched at a special screening event in Manchester Cathedral on the 18th November, at 7pm. The event will also feature an introduction to the films, input from experts, and a discussion with the audience about how we might think about love and robots.
The event is free for all to attend, although where possible he asks that attendees register using Eventbrite (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/living-with-and-loving-machines-tickets-71376004551).