Student Rep Drop in update
The first of the Student Rep Drop ins took place on Wednesday 19 February. Emma Kane and Gareth Frier, Student Support and Engagement Officers from the Student Experience team were joined by Adam Goldstone, Educational Engagement Coordinator from the Students Union (https://manchesterstudentsunion.com/reps). At future Drop ins, we would also like to invite other contacts from across the University or SALC that may be of interest to Reps. Some of the discussions with the Reps included:
- The challenge of engaging their peers (same student groups respond so issues are sometimes unrepresentative)
- Not knowing other Reps across the year groups
- Reps not knowing exactly what their role is and students not always knowing how Reps can help them
- Emails were still thought to be the preferred method of communication (although BB notifications are also used a lot)
- Confusion between school and area level Student Staff Liaison Committees and which should be attended
- Do Reps feel they can always feedback academic issues
- What is the feedback structure for SALC, the faculty and the University – an organisation chart and feedback process was thought useful
- What was the best way of reps asking students for feedback – shout outs, slides at lectures, social media groups – there seemed to be no one size fits all
- The idea about opening individual informal conversations was also discussed as a way to bring issues not communicated
Some actions being taken forward by the Student Experience team include:
- Work with the SU to offer further training online and face to face to support students in their role
- Work with the SU on a draft job description for Rep roles
- Look at a guide for Reps for the beginning of the next academic year to include dates of SSLCs and minimum expected requirements for Reps
- Discuss with the Business school their model of having Student Reps informal chats before SSLC meetings to see if this could work for SALC too
- Look at having Student Reps notices in common rooms with contact names and email addresses (if Reps approved their email appearing on these)
As requested by some at the meeting, below is a diagram showing representation/feedback routes for Reps and how that should work. The Student Experience team would be more than happy to discuss this with you at a the next Drop in if useful or if there are questions on this.

Student Rep Drop in update
Anna is currently working on her master’s in Humanitarianism and Conflict Response. Alongside coursework, her master’s programme offers international field work opportunities and internship placements across Manchester. You can watch Anna’s video blog which visually captures her experience whilst on a field course to Uganda through the Faculty of Humanities, Uni Buddy webpage.