CIP Seminar Series
Adapting to Online Learning: Learning from Staff Experiences Seminar Series
To support all teaching staff in the School we have organised a rolling programme of online guides supported by online Q&A sessions. They are designed in such a way that you can look through the introductory guides at a time convenient to yourself, but then join an online Q&A session if you have any questions.
The aim of the seminar series is to explore a range of pedagogic themes supported with practical ‘know how’ to help you to transition to the blended approach we will be utilising during the next academic year. It is important to emphasise that there is no expectation that staff should use all of the approaches below, rather a variety of helpful approaches and technologies are discussed to enable colleagues to make informed choices.
Web-based training for staff
Additional resources and support can be found at and
If you want to boost your confidence and learn from the experience of our Claire McGourlay (Professor of Legal Education and HEA National Teaching Fellow), check her journal describing her approach to blended teaching.
Timetable of events
7th July Creating online resources for blended learning – Becki Bennett
This short online course developed by Professor Becki Bennett, helps you to think about where to start in terms of creating online resources to support blended learning. It focuses on the Faculty principles and on transferring your existing great teaching into a blended format that emphasises teacher presence and communication, active learning and inclusivity but with lots of practical tips about how you might do this. The course only takes around 30 mins to complete and once completed you can join Becki’s Q&A session on 7th July (see details below).
Q&A Session: 7th July 2020 Ipm-2pm
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Based on the discussions that took place during the Q&A session, Becki has also created a list of Frequently Asked Questions:
Q&A Session: 11th August 2020 Ipm-2pm
To attend the event, please book a place at:
Week commencing 13th July Flipped teaching and learning
A Guide to ‘Flipped Learning’ – Karen Sykes
Before the Q&A session, please watch this video in which Karen covers key aspects of flipped learning and teaching.
Q&A Session: 16th July 2020 2pm-3pm
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A Guide to Using Padlet – Ruby Hammer
Before the Q&A session, please watch this video in which Ruby covers key aspects of the use of Padlet.
Q&A Session: 17th July 2020 11am-12noon
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Week commencing 20th July Facilitating online discussion and socialisation
Piazza – Ralf Becker
DOs and DON’Ts of online discussion boards. How to encourage active student involvement on discussion boards.
For the academic year 2020/21, the University has integrated a new discussion board technology, Piazza, into Blackboard. We shall discuss how this new easy to use platform has facilitated more active student engagement on discussion boards. But regardless of the platform, the most important aspect of discussion boards is how you as the course director link it to the course material and other elements in the course unit. Some of Ralf’s thoughts are summarised in this cheat sheet for course directors.
This Q&A will give you the opportunity to ask questions about Piazza specifically, but also the use of discussions boards more generally.
Q&A Session: 21st July 1pm -2pm
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Here you can find a recording of the Q&A session.
Using Online Assessment and Quizzes/Tests – Dan Rigby, Ron Chan, Peter Backus
Before the Q&A session, please watch this video podcast where Dan, Ron and Peter discuss their experience of the use of online tests and, in particular, Mobius. Notice that Mobius is integrated in Blackboard. Dan produced a video that introduces the platform. Here you can find a list and description of Mobius question types. Those interested in the use of adaptive questions (i.e. questions and tests that provide different content depending on the performance of students) could consider having a look at this paper.
Q&A Session: 23rd July 2020 2pm-3pm
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Engaging with students using Slack – Nick Turnbull
Please, watch this video to learn about Nick’s experience using Slack with his students.
EDI Sensitive Teaching: some practical considerations – Dimitris Papadimitriou
During the session, Dimitris will be going through some of the considerations reported in this presentation. Before the session, consider also reading this document create by Véronique Pin-Fat. We will also discuss the use of Blackboard Ally.
Colleagues from eLearning and Louise Pepper-Kernot , the Head of DASS, will also attend the session and will happy to answer questions.
Q&A Session: 24th August 2020 11am
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If you have any further suggestions or ideas for support we can provide in this series, then please contact Ruby Hammer at: We can organise further guides or Q&A sessions during early September if colleagues feel these would be of benefit.