Conferences in HE

a presentation in a lecture hall

Sixth conference in the Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship

Embracing Failure For Well-Being: For Educators & Learners

5th July – 17th July. Keele University

Staff undertaking innovative scholarly projects in teaching enhancement often run into issues and challenges and have to adapt their thinking. Similarly creating safe spaces for students to fail, allows for reflection and a deeper engagement in learning.

Understanding this ourselves and helping students to understand it, allows us to create an environment where staff and students can flourish and develop their full potential whilst maintaining positive well-being. Contributions are invited on the role of teaching focused academics in the following topics:

  • What we learn from teaching development projects that don’t go to plan?
  • How we enable students to learn from not doing as well as expected?
  • Creating safe classroom environments for students to fail
  • How we place well-being at the heart of flourishing as educators and learners and not languishing in the ‘failures’.

Asides from invited keynotes (TBA), contributions may take the form of

  • Talks (15 mins)
  • Snapshots (5 mins)
  • Workshops (2 hr)
  • Thematic Discussions (45 mins)

To submit a paper please click here. Call for papers will close 13th April. Conference registration will open in early March and will close in early May 2020. For more information please visit.


18th annual Academic Practice and Technology (APT) conference

Shaping academic practice for the new decade

6th July, 2020. University College London (UCL)

APT 2020 is co-hosted by the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Imperial College London and UCL. It will examine whether the relationship between academic practice and technology needs to change for the 2020s, and how digitally enhanced learning can contribute to some of the biggest challenges facing higher and further education.

Presenters and delegates will explore some critical areas that currently concern educators such as designing effective programmes and developing inclusive practice; creative and authentic feedback and assessment; and, of growing importance to students, how we can step up to meet the challenges of a sustainable future.

You may contact the organisers by e-mail at: up to the submission deadline to discuss potential contributions. The deadline for receiving proposals is Monday 27th April 2020. Further details can be found at:


Assessment in Higher Education (AHE) Conference

Assessment for the Longer Term

2nd July, 2020. Manchester, UK


Higher education uses assessment to develop and validate graduate attributes. Graduates make critical judgments of their own and others’ work in authentic contexts. The AHE one day conference in July 2020 in Manchester will focus on research and innovative practice around assessment for the longer term.


6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances

2nd-5th June, 2020. Valencia, Spain
twitter: @headconf


The Sixth International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’20) is an excellent forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, experiences, opinions and research results relating to the preparation of students, teaching/learning methodologies and the organization of educational systems. The HEAd’20 conference will be held on June 2-5, 2020 at the Faculty of Business Administration and Management of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), which has been recently ranked as the best technical university in Spain by the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2019.


PGT Employability: Supporting and Embedding in Master’s Level Study –

Aston University 1st April 2020.


In the past 20 years, postgraduate study has grown across the western world. The reasons for this are numerous. At national level, there has been commitment by many governments to widen participation at all levels of study in order to increase social mobility and to furnish the market economy with the necessary skills to prosper and achieve sustainability. For the individual, postgraduate master’s study is often viewed as a way of continuing their professional development.  In recent years, due to the substantive  increase of first degree graduates entering the employment market thus increasing competition for jobs, more graduates have seen the postgraduate master’s qualification as a means of helping them gain an advantage in the employment market.

This one day workshop will look at:

  • Employer demand for master’s graduates and the skills they require;
  • The expectations of master’s students on entry of employability ‘outcomes’;
  • How institutions can provide the ’employability’ skills expected by students and employers within their provision.

What Will the Outcomes of the Event Be?

Those attending the event can expect to come away with:

  • A greater awareness of the employment expectations of master’s students.
  • An appreciation of the employer’s expectations.
  • A greater awareness of the roles and responsibilities of universities towards their master’s students in delivering employability skills
  • Employability ideas and good practice within the sector.

For more information, go to: