Omicron breakthrough infections in previously infected or vaccinated hamsters

by | Dec 5, 2022 | Theme 5: Experimental infection | 0 comments

The second and third years of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic have been marked by the repeated emergence and replacement of ‘variants’, the most recent examples being Delta and Omicron.

Researchers from theme 5 of the PROTECT NCS presented their work at this year’s Options conference in Belfast, which is the only global scientific meeting with a dedicated focus on influenza. Their poster describes a hamster contact exposure challenge model to assess protection conferred by vaccination or prior infection against re-infection.

Content warning: This poster contains an image of a live hamster during an experiment.

Imperial College aims to be open about research involving animals. Animal research is strictly regulated by the Home Office and overseen at Imperial College by several ethical committees.

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    Omicron breakthrough infections in previously infected or vaccinated hamsters

    by | Dec 5, 2022 | Theme 5: Experimental infection | 0 comments

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