Environmental data monitoring and infection risks in UK care-homes in the context of COVID-19

by | Jan 9, 2024 | Journal papers, Theme 2: Transmission modelling | 0 comments

The COVID-19 pandemic drew attention to the critical role of building ventilation as a measure for controlling infection transmission. With the substantial number of COVID-19 outbreaks in care homes worldwide, the effectiveness of ventilation is an important consideration for infection control and wider exposure to indoor air pollutants.

In this study, researchers from Theme 2 of the PROTECT NCS, used IoT-based sensors in two residential care homes to evaluate ventilation in various areas, including bedrooms, corridors, and communal spaces, the first detailed analysis of care home ventilation in the context of infection transmission using both measured data and infection risk modelling.

This paper, published in the Building and Environment journal, outlines the study and its findings.


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