Although there are no “safe” levels for occupancy of a room, you can judge the appropriate number of people for a space can be made based on the type and size of space, the activity, the duration of time spent there, and the ventilation.The following rules of thumb...
Category: Further behavioural and procedural interventions
What effect do building and room occupancy levels have on transmission?
Managing the number of people in a building or room can have a significant effect on the risk of transmission.Reducing the number of people has three effects - it reduces the chance than an infectious person is present, it reduces the number of people who can be...
Social distancing – How does this vary with other control measures in place?
Ventilation is likely to be more important than distancing when people are more than 1m apart and share a room for longer periods of time.There is likely to be a reduction in exposure beyond 2-3m as some of the particles start to settle out of the air. (Visualising...
What degree of social distancing is effective to minimise transmission indoors?
Reducing close face-to-face interactions can reduce risks, but there is no “safe” distance in most indoor environments which will eliminate the risk altogether. Evidence suggests that respiratory particles that carry virus can easily be carried in the air over 2m....
How can we respond to ‘COVID behaviour fatigue’?
‘COVID behaviour fatigue’ can affect messaging and communication.Evidence suggests that behaviour fatigue was a reason support for mitigation measures slipped for both workers and passengers. In addition was the influence of risk habituation (increased acceptance of...
What messages and communication strategies are effective at increasing and maintaining support of measures?
Messages and communications are most effective at increasing or maintaining support when they are clear and consistent. Evidence for this comes from research in multiple industries. Frequent changes to rules or differences in rules across various settings and regions...
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