An exploration of how ‘Living with COVID’ influences COVID-19 transmission risk, response and resilience in workplace settings: a Greater Manchester Case Study – Study 1 

by | Mar 1, 2023 | Reports, Theme 3: Sector-specific studies | 0 comments

The aim of this study, from theme 3 researchers of the PROTECT NCS, together with the accompanying Case Study 2, was to assess how the ‘Living with COVID’ change in policy and guidance affected transmission risk, response and resilience in workplace settings in Greater Manchester.

Study 1 aimed to group, order, analyse and map, test and trace data by workplace across Greater Manchester to make recommendations for future pandemic response, policy and guidance.

Within case study 1, researchers analysed aggregated testing data from Greater Manchester organised by occupation and location, and examined the ordinal ranking of likelihood of transmission in different sectors, and evaluated the multidisciplinary response to COVID-19 in higher education settings in Greater Manchester using a realist framework to identify what works, for whom, and in what circumstances. Researchers found that the combination of infection and locations visited produced pictures of individual and social behaviour, and constructed theories from the interviews with professionals to explain the response, needs and recommendations for future pandemic preparedness and response.


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